Geospatial Assistance

Develop procedures which will facilitate delivery of geospatial support to the Minnesota Emergency Services Sector (ESS) during disasters.
- Despite the revolution in geospatial technology that has occurred over the past 50 plus years, there remains a dearth of information on all levels about how these capabilities can be leverage by the ESS during emergencies and disasters,
- This lack of information has resulted in low awareness in the ESS about services that may be available, and how these services can be obtained, and
- Consequently, utilization of these capabilities in Minnesota, like much of the nation, remain less than optimum.
Our Story
During substantial flooding of Red River Valley in 2009, the EPC worked closely with HSEM to take steps to define the processes and procedures for "boots on the ground" to request geospatial assistance from local, state and federal resources. Regrettably, much of this work was never officially formalized, nor has it been updated to reflect substantial changes in the ensuing years. For that reason, the Geospatial Assistance Project Team is now working to resolve this issue.
Project Team Current Goal
In close coordination with other sectors of Minnesota government, create the state's first Geospatial Concept of Operations (GeoCONOPS) which explains the resources available and how to acquire and use them.
- Frequency: Approximately once a quarter
- Time: Check "Events Calendar" for next meeting information
- Where: Online - Zoom
- Chair/Point of Contact: Brian Huberty,, 651-706-6426