Emergency Preparedness Committee


The Emergency Preparedness Committee (EPC) serves as the state's principal organization for promoting, coordinating, and standardizing Geographic Information System (GIS) use across all levels of the Minnesota Emergency Services Sector (ESS). Membership is open to any individual with an interest in using GIS for emergency preparedness and response.

We invite you to learn more about the EPC and its efforts by using links on this page and in the menu bar above. 

See the "Join Us" page to learn about three different ways you can participate in the activities of the EPC.

Committee Spotlight

Onsite Energy Systems for Resiliency Planning

Volunteer of the Quarter

Cory Richter
Ramsey County Highway Mainteance

In the News

CGA Case Study of the Underground Utilities Mapping Project

Current Project Teams

Critical Infrastructure Assessment

Mission is to develop a workflow for state critical facilities to be updated in statewide and national databases.


Mission is to develop training standards and programs for the Minnesota GIS and ESS communities that will promote productive interaction, provide training to those communities, and facilitate state and national training opportunities.

Geospatial Assistance

Mission is to develop procedures which will facilitate delivery of geospatial support to the Minnesota Emergency Services Sector during disasters.

Situational Awareness Sharing Initiative

Mission is to investigate/develop options to provide emergency managers, responders and the public with visual situational awareness during crisis situations which will aid in assessing the situation, defining the problem(s), and planning an accurate economy of effort in response.

Underground Utilities Mapping

Mission is to work to improve locate efficiencies and accuracy, reduce damage to the state’s underground infrastructure, and improve operational and construction safety by leveraging current and emerging GIS technologies through cross community collaboration which develops best practices and promotes technology solutions.

United States National Grid

Mission is to promote use of the U.S. National Grid (USNG) in Minnesota through collaboration among implementing agencies and interested individuals.  Create consistency within a national context by developing and sharing tools, standards, applications, and educational materials.